Share this postPhoto of the DayPhoto of the DayCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePhoto of the DayNo. 483Brenda ElthonDec 09, 2023∙ Paid7Share this postPhoto of the DayPhoto of the DayCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore2ShareIt’s December 8, 1941, and suddenly, the whole world is at war.Below, the New York Times international news summary of the day.Left: Aircraft prepare to depart the Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Shokaku for the first wave of strikes on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. Right: President Roosevelt signs the Declaration of War against Japan, December 8, 1941. (The black arm band is a symbol of mourning for his mother, who had died in September).“Yesterday morning Japan attacked the United States at several points in the Pacific.“President Roosevelt ordered United States forces into action and a declaration of war is expected this morning.Left: Aerial view of Pearl Harbor on November 10, 1941, depicting “Battleship Row.” Right: The USS Arizona ablaze at Pearl Harbor following the explosion of her forward magazines.“The first Japanese assault was…This post is for paid subscribersSubscribeAlready a paid subscriber? Sign inPreviousNext