Share this postPhoto of the DayPhoto of the Day -- weekendCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMorePhoto of the Day -- weekendNo. 526Brenda ElthonJan 28, 2024∙ Paid9Share this postPhoto of the DayPhoto of the Day -- weekendCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore1ShareIn 1997, the last year of her life, Princess Diana met with President Nelson Mandela of South Africa to discuss HIV/Aids and visited Angola, then wracked by a prolonged civil war, as a representative of the British Red Cross. It was while she was in Huambo Province, Angola, that Princess Diana was introduced to the work of HALO Trust, a British landmine-clearing organization. The image of Princess Diana walking through an Angolan landmine field in protective armor and headgear made international news and spurred the signing of the Ottawa Treaty, a UN-sponsored international agreement banning the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel landmines and requiring the destruction of existing stockpiles.South Dakota illustrator Harvey Dunn served in France as an official combat artist with the American Expeditionary Forces in 1918. The works that he and the seven other combat artists produced were controversial at the time because they did not glorify combat but instead depicted its harsh reality. Above, two of Dunn’s works: “Street Fighting – in one o…This post is for paid subscribersSubscribeAlready a paid subscriber? Sign inPreviousNext