It is 1906.
Mark Twain offers an explanation for why many people will live comfortably with the changes soon coming to America. 1

Nations do not think, they only feel.
They get their feelings at second hand through their temperaments, not their brains.

A nation can be brought—by force of circumstances, not argument
—to reconcile itself to any kind of government or religion that can be devised;

in time it will fit itself to the required conditions;
later, it will prefer them and will fiercely fight for them.

As instances, you have all history:
the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Egyptians, the Russians,
the Germans, the French, the English, the Spaniards, the Americans,
the South Americans, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Hindus, the Turks

—a thousand wild and tame religions,
every kind of government that can be thought of,
from tiger to house-cat,

each nation knowing it has the only true religion
and the only sane system of government,

each despising all the others,
each an ass and not suspecting it,

each proud of its fancied supremacy,
each perfectly sure it is the pet of God,

each without undoubting confidence summoning Him to take command in time of war,
each surprised when He goes over to the enemy, but by habit able to excuse it and resume compliments

—in a word, the whole human race content,
always content, persistently content, indestructibly content,

happy, thankful, proud, no matter what its religion is,

nor whether its master be tiger

or house-cat.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
— Brenda
Mark Twain, “What Is Man? And Other Essays,” 1906.
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