Love the idea of trees as conscious beings - as silent stoic witnesses to the waves of dramatic events playing out around them. When I was a kid, we had a huge tree in the front garden. Soon after I went to university, it became dangerously unstable, so my parents had to arrange for it to be chopped down. For the first time in years, I drove past that house the other day. Without the tree, it seemed so different. 🌿
Love the idea of trees as conscious beings - as silent stoic witnesses to the waves of dramatic events playing out around them. When I was a kid, we had a huge tree in the front garden. Soon after I went to university, it became dangerously unstable, so my parents had to arrange for it to be chopped down. For the first time in years, I drove past that house the other day. Without the tree, it seemed so different. 🌿
Hancock’s II Corps including The Irish Brigade paid a heavy price for bailing Sickles out.
Beautifully done.