Although President Woodrow Wilson made the quotation "A war that will end war" famous, it was the British author, H.G. Wells, that first coined the expression to describe the Great War. Wells believed the conflict would create a new world order that would make future conflict impossible by crushing the militarism of Germany under the Kaiser and its allies, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. The Allies - Great Britain, France, and Russia (the USA were yet to join the conflict) - were, Wells wrote, not only soldiers in a war but “crusaders against war... There shall be no more Kaisers ... We are resolved. That foolery shall end! It is the last war.”
Although President Woodrow Wilson made the quotation "A war that will end war" famous, it was the British author, H.G. Wells, that first coined the expression to describe the Great War. Wells believed the conflict would create a new world order that would make future conflict impossible by crushing the militarism of Germany under the Kaiser and its allies, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. The Allies - Great Britain, France, and Russia (the USA were yet to join the conflict) - were, Wells wrote, not only soldiers in a war but “crusaders against war... There shall be no more Kaisers ... We are resolved. That foolery shall end! It is the last war.”
Sadly how wrong he was ....
The 10th picture appears to show German prisoners of war marching toward the British rear areas.